General Westmoreland and MSgt Herman Spencer…

[Earlier this week we posted a story with a photo that included Master Sgt Herman Spencer. We have a story about MSgt Spencer.]

For this episode, we’ll Fast Forward to one week AFTER the Raid.

All the Green Berets were back at Fort Bragg. Four-star General William Westmoreland, Chief of Staff of the US Army, wanted to honor the Son Tay Raiders. He held a dinner in our honor at the Officers’ Club.

Like many dinner speakers, after a few minutes the speech gets boring and this was the case with General Westmoreland. Now, most people will sit and listen as the speaker rambles on…and then there are people like Master Sgt Herman Spencer.

MSgt Spencer, after patiently listening to the General for 20 or 30 minutes, decided he had heard all he needed to hear. MSgt Spencer stood up and took his wife’s hand and proceeded to walk out, saying he had heard enough.

General Westmorland stops talking and watches, along with every other eye in the room, as MSgt Spencer walked out.

I can tell you that this was very typical of Spencer. He was not political. He was a warrior. When the bullets start to fly, he is the guy you want on your team. The Raiders all knew Spencer (and probably wanted to do the same).

The Fort Bragg O’Club looks exactly the same today.

Read the rest of Terry Buckler’s stories in Who Will Go.

Click Here:  The book.