
Training with helicopters at the Mockup at Eglin AFB…

Thursday October 1st, 1970

…exactly 50 years ago this week

When we first started training using the helicopters, the plan called for Capt Dan to be the first man off and for me to be the second.

Now, I had watched enough war movies to know that the first men off any vehicle get killed. For a couple of weeks, we trained this way. I thought, Oh s**t, we aren’t even going to make it off the chopper. I can now admit that every time I stepped off the chopper, the thought went through my mind of getting zapped before my foot even hit the ground.

Then after a few rehearsals, the plan changed to where Capt Dan and I were the last two off the chopper. All of the sudden, I thought, Damn, now that I’m the last guy off, the bad guys will get their sights locked on. I will get nailed for sure!

Eventually I had to admit that, if the good Lord wants me, He doesn’t care if I am the first, last or in the middle. My Maker is going to bring me home when it’s my time.

Life Lesson 5: Be Prepared for Death. Don’t worry about it. You can’t completely control it. Make sure that the day you meet your Maker is not the first time you’ve been introduced. If you are prepared at all times, you’re free to live life fearless.

The “minigun” at the tail of the helicopters. You can read about this amazing weapon in Who Will Go.

Read Sgt Terry Buckler’s full story in Who Will Go.

Click Here:  The book.