Walking through the mission’s RTO role…

Wednesday Sept 23rd, 1970
…exactly 50 years ago this week

Capt Dan Turner and I were a two-man team. As the RTO (Radiotelephone Operator) for Redwine Security Group, my job was (in Capt Dan’s words): “I want you an arm’s length from me.”

The primary job of our two-man team was to make our way to the Communications Building as fast as we could to neutralize the people inside the building before… they could radio for reinforcements.

We had two buildings to clear (Buildings 11 and 12 on the Diagram in Chapter 16 in the book Who Will Go) before we could get to the Communications Building (7A in the diagram in the book).

Read Sgt Terry Buckler’s full story in Who Will Go.

Click Here:  The book.