The Cut.

Friday September 18th, 1970

…exactly 50 years ago today.

What the Bull told me yesterday came true. Things did change.

The first cut was made on Friday, September 18th. They selected 51 men (see the Log below), and an additional 10 men were identified as backup that could be used in any of the different elements. I was selected to be a part of the Redwine Security Group. I would be the RTO for Captain Dan Turner. No more guard duty for me! The three Groups were each placed in their own areas in the barracks building to help build the team concept.

Life Lesson 4: Have Patience and Aggressiveness and Contentment. Guarding the TOC, we were not allowed to know the “Why.” As I saw my opportunity slipping away, I was aggressive, hungry to be in the middle of the action. That’s OK—it’s not a fault to be aggressive. It’s a virtue—if you can choose in your heart and in your mind to be at peace and to be thankful, trusting God with the outcome.

Read Sgt Terry Buckler’s full story in Who Will Go.

Click Here:  The book.